Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Welcome from the other co-principal investigator

As a cofounder with Trish A. Tolley for the foundation of spreading joy and happiness. I welcome all searching for a little "j and h" in your lives.
Here is a funny tidbit: today Mindy (Lunt) Urie and I played a practical joke on our very own "CPI" Trish A. Tolley. Ever since we returned from our incredibly fun, whirlwind vacation to Brussels I have been trying to convince her to go back before her parents come home from their mission.
Yesterday she informed Mindy that if her and Mr Urie agreed to go she would as well. At this point I feel I need to give a little bit of back story. Trish and I tryed to talk Miss Belinda into going with us on the first trip, but her sensible self held her back, and Miss B correct me if I'm wrong (regrets it a little bit). Now that Mindy B is married and her husband Scott is in school it makes it a little more difficult for her (them) to go. This being said Trish felt very confident in saying I will go if you and Scott go. Alas Mindy forgot to ask Scott (just as Trish suspected she would) so I convinced Mindy to tell her she did ask him and he said yes.
Needless to say this caused some extreme stress for our dear friend and fellow "CPI". We all know Mindy and Scott are way to sensible for taking off on a whirlwind trip to Brussels, but there were cries from the genealogy department for brown paper sacks and someone who could do "the CPR". Luckily Rachael helped Trish pull herself together with a few deep breaths.
This joke was not pulled off without some casualties along the way, Jennifer and Rachael believed Mindy and got quite excited about going, unfortunately I couldn't find the good deal anymore (so no trip to Brussels). I am slightly relieved since I don't have the money to go either. Although I didn't go to the lenghts of having my stomach cut open like Trish did (geez Trish next time just tell us you don't want to go)!
While there are many reasons to be sad for not going (ham and cheese baguettes, Belgian waffles, Belgian chocolate, cobblestone streets, the very handsome French Canadian Missionary, etc......) there are several good reasons for not going. Paying for unexpected surgeries, school, New York, and paying for your sister to go to New York (you know who you are). I guess I will have to picture the handsome French Canadian in my dreams. Unless...........Sister Tolley (Trish's mom) can bring home a picture. Let's push for the picture girls!
I realize this this isn't nearly as interesting as Pear deoderant from Smith's, but I had to hurry since I really shouldn't be blogging at work.


Spreading Joy and Happiness said...

I think Mrs. B does regret it, or she wouldn't have convinced me to jump ship to B-land without even asking her husband!!!

Jen said...

I'm still mad about this...:(-